BIO // Didier Pilon

Contaminated by photography from the age of 9 thanks to an amateur grandfather with a contagious passion, no treatment has succeeded to date in curing me of this extremely pleasant virus.
Besides, what need to cure the magical pleasure of wanting to record lights, frames, movements, colors, shades of gray... transforming bodies, faces, landscapes, objects... into dust of moments from the past that we can want to bring back to the present!
60 years later, after having professionally explored many aspects of shooting - from reportage to portraiture, from illustration to the studio including a few sets or other scenes - I have the impression that these six decades have didn't last more than six days!
There is therefore no question of stopping: as long as my eye is not satisfied with its curiosity for what it discovers, as long as it is willing to bear witness to these sometimes bright lights to these sometimes dark shadows which surround, there is no question that the party will end.
Hello Paris ! : Paris, de juin à septembre 2016
Paysans, paysages : Paris, de septembre à novembre 2016
Paysages de Creuse : Château de Villemonteix, Creuse, de juillet à septembre 2018